Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Spinning on the Axis II

It was with gladness that we all welcomed the unusually warm, sunny days in the autumn this year #2020.  The beauty of golden sunlight days filled with alluring azure bright blues, blazing reds and golden bronzes of nature.  The gods must have given a gift, some Greek mythology enthusiasts would put it, to lift us as we carried the burden of the #pandemic for yet another season.  Was it not too long ago that we decided to shut down everything?  Ah yes, in the early signs of spring and yet it seems to so long ago-so without yet so within-within us all.  The inherent need for culinary conversations, companionship, and comradery culminated with yet another onslaught of #covid19. Were we supposed to have a handle on this pandemic sometime this past summer?  The burgeoning burden of solitude flanked by tiny glimpses of togetherness fostered a common desire for companionship is curtailed by crazed politicians.  Albeit aside from the paralysis fueled by poor leadership of this country, the #2020elections speak to the fact that people are ready for change. Students are again frustratingly forced to remain indoors and as they had already sacrificed enjoying the breezy, beautiful, balmy, spring air and they must now celebrate their respective religious traditions while socially distancing. Being at home and constantly working online is taking its toll on students and parents alike. Is it driving people out of their minds? At the risk of contracting the deadly virus, people were busily bustling around airports in an effort to briskly break free from the isolation, maybe those harrowing, holiday dinners would be specially savored this year. Who knows, perhaps in #2021, children will toss their devices in the dirt for a breath of fresh air, a game of touch football, tag, jacks, jump rope or sidewalk chalk drawing?  There will a different kind of welcoming of the #Newyear2021 and its ushering in will define us infinite ways, will we pour champagne and toast?  Will we mourn the lives lost?  Will we be rewriting the way this land is governed?  Should voters be a part of  the nomination of  judges of the highest court of this land?  Will we be willing to accept the truth-the truth that we are all one, that the potential of the human race is boundless and we can build a united nation-all we have to do, is choose to do so.

So what will your #NewYears resolution be? 


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